Saturday, December 08, 2012

Notes About Android Threading

  • Main thread, or UI thread, starts Android application, processes UI rendering and handles user interactions. Do NOT execute any long-running or heavy tasks inside main thread otherwise the UI would appear lagging and not responsive.
  • A Looper holds a message queue and implements infinite loop. It takes tasks one by one from the queue and executes them in sequence. When message queue is empty, the Looper is blocking and waiting for processing next queued task. A thread can associate with a Looper (only one to one relationship), then it becomes a Looper thread being able to process messages and tasks continuously, vs. regular thread that will die when completes its job in the run() method.
  • Handler is a bridge between Looper message queue and thread(s). Current thread or other threads can push runnable jobs to a Looper message queue by method and its scheduled variance (postDelayed, postAtTime, etc.), or send a message to the queue by handler.sendMessage() method and its scheduled variance (sendMessageDelayed, sendMessageAtTime, etc.). Handler can also process the message by the Handler's handleMessage(Message) callback.
  • You can setup a thread with a Looper manually. Androdi also provides a handy class called HandlerThread for starting a new thread that already has a Looper attached. Not sure why it's not called LooperThread. It's a bit confusing as there's no Handler in a HandlerThread object. You always need to create Handler for a HandlerThread:
        HandlerThread  handlerThread = new HandlerThread("Thread name");
        Handler handler = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper());
  • Main thread is a Looper thread. All UI interactions are pushed to main thread's Looper message queue and then are processed one by one. Configuration change request, such as orientation rotation, is just a special type of message sent to main thread's message queue.
  • Only main thread can update UI elements safely. Worker thread or background thread can use following means to work on UI elements:
    • Implement main thread Handler, then you can update UI inside handler.handleMessage() callback, and post UI-related task to handler.Post() method or their variance.
    • Use View.Post(Runnable). Android View objects have tied to a default Handler inside UI thread so you can post UI-related runnable jobs to it directly.
    • Use Activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable) method. Android Activity class has this runOnUiThread helper method to update the UI.
    • Use AsyncTask. The AsyncTask implementation takes the advantage of Thread pooling concept and provides a simple, understandable interface. Simply run background task inside the doInbackground() method, and run UI-related work inside the onPreExecute(), onProgressUpdate() and onPostExcute() methods. But be aware of the performance penalty of using it, see next.
  • AsyncTask thread has low priority of Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND. With such low priority the total CPU consumption of all AysncTasks together is less than 10 percent of overall CPU power. This may cause some performance issue. You can change this behavior by changing its priority:
        new AsyncTaskClass().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); 
        class AsyncTaskClass extends AsyncTask<...> {
            protected Void doInBackground() {
  • On the other hand the HandlerThread uses Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT priority by default, but you can specify HandlerThread's priority from its constructor, e.g. setting a low priority background:
    HandlerThread bgThread = new HandlerThread("Background thread", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);
  • The ExecutorService is more powerful and can manage a pool of threads. Go for it if you want to have full control of your threads.
  • Usually worker thread is created from Activity. But it can also run in Service context (thread object created inside Service) without UI connection. Note that Service still runs in main UI thread by default if it starts from the Activity, but Service is not bound to Activity's life-cycle. IntentService simply extends Service and implements an internal HandlerThread object, so you can guarantee the job passed to IntentService's onHandleIntent callback runs in a separate worker thread.
  • There're a few ways to deal with recurring or repeating tasks. One common approach is keep posting to Activity's handler by using Handler.postDelayed() inside the runnable task:
        int recurInSeconds = 5;
        Handler handler = new Handler();
        handler.postDelayed(runnable, 0); // start the task
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
           public void run() {
              handler.postDelayed(this, recurInSeconds * 1000); // repeat the task
    Without Activity context we can use following methods to achieve the goal:
    • AlarmManager.setRepeating()/setInexactRepeating() to repeatedly start a Broadcast/Service in which the job is handled. For longer sleep intervals this is the preferred mechanism. It's handled by system and is only triggered at the time arrives thus consuming less power.
    • ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay()/scheduleWithFixedDelay() to repeatedly run a task.
      ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
      executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnable, 0, recurInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    • Use Timer.scheduleAtFixedRate() to do the recurring TimerTask. This is not the recommended way described from Android development guild.
  • Anders Göransson's Efficient Android Threading slides for DroidCon are very informative. It's the best reference on the topic of Android threading I have found so far.