Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SharePoint 2010 Solution Package Redeployment After Site Extended

Originally we had identical SharePoint 2010 setup in production and staging environments, and both were using the same URLs. In order to visit the staging environment, we need to change machine’s hosts file to point to staging servers. However some business people who need to test the staging server simply don’t have permission to change their hosts file by their own. So we decided to separate the production and staging URLs, one is the other is

When the new DNS entries for staging servers were ready, we started setting up the SharePoint Alternate Access Mapping (AAM) for staging servers. One requirement was that all access needs to be secure so we needed to extend the original web application. Following are steps of the configuration:

1. Open up central admin, go to application management, select the web application and click Extend button on the ribbon

2. In the popup window type following:
  • a. Port: 443
  • b. Host Header:
  • c. Zone: Intranet
  • d. Other as default

3. Go to Application Management -> Configure alternate access mappings -> Edit Public Zone URLs, select the web application and change to

4. For each front-end server, open up the IIS manager and locate the newly extended site, write down the site ID something like 34561234, the open a command prompt as administrator:

C:\inetpub\AdminScripts>cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/34561234/SecureBindings ""

For more about SSL certificate setup refer to this and this.

5. Go back to IIS manager, select the extended site, and click Edit Bindings. Delete the http binding without SSL certificate and keep the other https one, and then start the IIS site (it’s stopped by default)

6. Optionally copy the original web.config to the extended IIS site if your solution packages are not taking care of all web.config changes.

7. Optionally set the hosts file so that the new DNS entries are pointing to itself, if you have a multiple front-end server farm and NTLM authentication is used. The service calls inside webpart or custom code could possibly route to other front-end server which could lead to the double-hop authentication issue (refer to this). Hosts file setup ensures those service calls always getting to local machine.

The story wasn't stopping yet. We noticed quite a few custom webparts and applications are not working properly after the Web Application is extended. Finally we found SharePoint would redeploy those farm solution packages that have content (such as dll) with deploy target of WebApplication. The redeployment sequence is random which would lead to some problem. In our case, the dll included in the one solution package overrides the newer dll in another solution package. So we redeployed all solution packages with proper order and then the issues were gone.