Wednesday, July 01, 2009

SharePoint Modified Field And Last Modified Field

We know there's a "Modified" field in SharePoint that records the last modified time of a SPListItem. This field is viewable and you can add it to any SharePoint views. You will see the time of "Modified" field is change when you do an update on the list item.

There's another hidden "Modified" field, also known as "Last Modified" field with internal name of "Last_x0020_Modified". What's difference? Following are their official description from MSDN:
  • Modified: Identifies a field that contains the last modified date and time information that is associated with the specified SharePoint Foundation object.
  • Last_x0020_Modified: Identifies a field that contains version control information for the last modified version of the specified SharePoint Foundation list object.
The description looks not that clear. Which one should we use in our work? Let's examine them in details. First look at their field definition in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\fields\fieldswss.xml:
   <Field ID="{28cf69c5-fa48-462a-b5cd-27b6f9d2bd5f}"
<Field ID="{173f76c8-aebd-446a-9bc9-769a2bd2c18f}"
Using SharePoint Manager we can see the raw "Modified" and "Last Modified" value (XML) stored in a list item:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<z:row xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema"
ows_Modified="2009-06-15 11:23:13"
ows_Last_x0020_Modified="23;#2009-06-15 11:23:13"
... />
As we can see "Modified" field is of DateTime type and real DateTime is stored in SharePoint content database; on the other hand, "Last_x0020_Modified" field is a lookup column pointing to "Docs" list's "TimeLastModified" column.

With further investigation, I found that this "Docs" list and the "TimeLastModified" field do not really exist. They are virtual and the values are determinted at run time. I tried to figure out what SharePoint exactully is doing to obtain this lookup value. So I did a quick test on these two fields:
    public partial class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string siteName = "http://localhost";
string listName = "Documents";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteName))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists[listName];
DateTime modifiedTime, lastModifiedTime;

SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'";
query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='Modified' Nullable='TRUE'/>"
+"<FieldRef Name='Last_x0020_Modified' Nullable='TRUE'/>";

SPListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);
modifiedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(items[0]["Modified"]);
lastModifiedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(items[0]["Last_x0020_Modified"]);
Console.WriteLine("Modified: " + lastModifiedTime.ToString()
+ " Last Modified: " + lastModifiedTime.ToString());
The code is simple. I use CAML query to get the "Modified" and "Last Modified" data without any filter. I saw two quries sent to SharePoint content database for such CAML query. The first one is:

exec proc_GetListFields '2E1D8267-FBA0-4995-8CBB-08E747FB54D7','750DB8DD-A6AA-49B5-9D23-EB6E4B95EAD7'
Notice two GUIDs passing in this query do not match the ID of "Modified" or "Last Modified". The query returns:
    <FieldRef Name="ContentTypeId" />
<FieldRef Name="Title" ColName="nvarchar1" />
<FieldRef Name="_ModerationComments" ColName="ntext1" />
<FieldRef Name="File_x0020_Type" ColName="nvarchar2" />
<FieldRef Name="Name" ColName="nvarchar3" />
<FieldRef Name="EMail" ColName="nvarchar4" />
<FieldRef Name="Notes" ColName="ntext2" />
<FieldRef Name="SipAddress" ColName="nvarchar5" />
<FieldRef Name="Locale" ColName="int1" />
<FieldRef Name="CalendarType" ColName="int2" />
<FieldRef Name="AdjustHijriDays" ColName="int3" />
<FieldRef Name="TimeZone" ColName="int4" />
<FieldRef Name="Time24" ColName="bit1" />
<FieldRef Name="AltCalendarType" ColName="int5" />
<FieldRef Name="CalendarViewOptions" ColName="int6" />
<FieldRef Name="WorkDays" ColName="int7" />
<FieldRef Name="WorkDayStartHour" ColName="int8" />
<FieldRef Name="WorkDayEndHour" ColName="int9" />
<FieldRef Name="IsSiteAdmin" ColName="bit2" />
<FieldRef Name="Deleted" ColName="bit3" />
<FieldRef Name="Picture" ColName="nvarchar6" ColName2="nvarchar7" />
<FieldRef Name="Department" ColName="nvarchar8" />
<FieldRef Name="JobTitle" ColName="nvarchar9" />
<FieldRef Name="IsActive" ColName="bit4" />

The second query sent to database is massive:

exec sp_executesql N' SELECT TOP 2147483648 t2.[tp_Created] AS c3c8,t1.[Type] AS c0,t1.[TimeLastModified] AS c9,t3.[tp_ID] AS c10c5,CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(t1.DirName) = 0 THEN t1.LeafName WHEN DATALENGTH(t1.LeafName) = 0 THEN t1.DirName ELSE t1.DirName + N''/'' + t1.LeafName END AS c11,t1.[ScopeId] AS c16,UserData.[nvarchar4],UserData.[tp_CheckoutUserId],UserData.[tp_Version],t1.[Id] AS c15,t2.[nvarchar5] AS c3c7,t3.[nvarchar1] AS c10c4,UserData.[tp_HasCopyDestinations],UserData.[tp_ModerationStatus],UserData.[tp_Level],t2.[nvarchar1] AS c3c4,t2.[nvarchar4] AS c3c6,t3.[nvarchar4] AS c10c6,t3.[tp_Created] AS c10c8,t1.[MetaInfo] AS c14,t1.[LeafName] AS c2,UserData.[tp_Modified],UserData.[nvarchar3],t2.[tp_ID] AS c3c5,t3.[nvarchar5] AS c10c7,UserData.[tp_ID],t1.[ProgId] AS
c13,UserData.[tp_CopySource],t1.[TimeCreated] AS c1,UserData.[tp_Editor],t1.[IsCheckoutToLocal] AS c12 FROM UserData INNER MERGE JOIN Docs AS t1 WITH(NOLOCK) ON ( 1 = 1 AND UserData.[tp_RowOrdinal] = 0 AND t1.SiteId = UserData.tp_SiteId AND t1.SiteId = @L2 AND t1.DirName = UserData.tp_DirName AND t1.LeafName = UserData.tp_LeafName AND t1.Level = UserData.tp_Level AND (UserData.tp_Level = 255 AND t1.LTCheckoutUserId =@IU OR (UserData.tp_Level = 1 AND (UserData.tp_DraftOwnerId IS NULL OR (UserData.tp_DraftOwnerId <>@IU AND 1=0 )) OR UserData.tp_Level = 2 AND (UserData.tp_DraftOwnerId = @IU OR 1=1 )) AND (t1.LTCheckoutUserId IS NULL OR t1.LTCheckoutUserId <> @IU )) AND (1 = 1)) LEFT OUTER JOIN AllUserData AS t2 WITH(NOLOCK, INDEX=AllUserData_PK) ON (UserData.[tp_Editor]=t2.[tp_ID] AND UserData.[tp_RowOrdinal] = 0 AND t2.[tp_RowOrdinal] = 0 AND ( (t2.tp_IsCurrent = 1) ) AND t2.[tp_CalculatedVersion] = 0 AND t2.[tp_DeleteTransactionId] = 0x AND t2.tp_ListId = @L3 AND UserData.tp_ListId = @L4) LEFT OUTER JOIN AllUserData AS t3 WITH(NOLOCK, INDEX=AllUserData_PK) ON (UserData.[tp_CheckoutUserId]=t3.[tp_ID] AND UserData.[tp_RowOrdinal] = 0 AND t3.[tp_RowOrdinal] = 0 AND ( (t3.tp_IsCurrent = 1) ) AND t3.[tp_CalculatedVersion] = 0 AND t3.[tp_DeleteTransactionId] = 0x AND t3.tp_ListId = @L3 AND UserData.tp_ListId = @L4) WHERE (UserData.tp_Level= 255 AND UserData.tp_CheckoutUserId = @IU OR ( UserData.tp_Level = 2 AND UserData.tp_DraftOwnerId IS NOT NULL OR UserData.tp_Level = 1 AND UserData.tp_DraftOwnerId IS NULL ) AND ( UserData.tp_CheckoutUserId IS NULL OR UserData.tp_CheckoutUserId <> @IU)) AND UserData.tp_SiteId=@L2 AND (UserData.tp_DirName=@DN) AND UserData.tp_RowOrdinal=0 AND (t1.SiteId=@L2 AND (t1.DirName=@DN)) ORDER BY t1.[Type] Desc,UserData.[tp_ID] Asc OPTION (FORCE ORDER) ',N'@L0 uniqueidentifier,@L2 uniqueidentifier,@IU int,@L3 uniqueidentifier,@L4 uniqueidentifier,@DN nvarchar(260)',@L0='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',@L2='3640A558-D026-4ABF-BB7F-549ECA727EEC',@IU=3,@L3='750DB8DD-A6AA-49B5-9D23-EB6E4B95EAD7',@L4='EE1ADF17-47DB-4065-A8DC-8638E6903484',@DN=N'Documents'

I have to admit all that is just too magical for me to understand what's under the hood. So go with reflector, but I found it's even more complex than such a database query when I traced the code behind a CAML query from the SharePoint dll. Okay I gave up my path here. What I can do is to verify when the value of these two fields are different.

What I found is that all change on a list item conducted through UI would affect its "Modified" field immediately. Updating a list item by code is a different story. I will cover that in next post.

It looks like the "Last Modified" field is used internally by SharePoint itself. We should use "Modified" field in our logic to trace a list item's last modified time in general.